Wednesday, August 22, 2012

New Offerings for August (and a slight store re-vamp!)

In addition to re-vamping the store a bit (once you get inworld you'll see) we put out a few new things fer ya'll to enjoy. Casual sports jacket sets (includes pants and shirt), Tattersall Plaid button shirts (4 colors), and Jones dresses (4 colors)!

This mesh thing is new for us, but we managed to make a few mesh glasses for your seeing pleasure. These are un-rigged mesh so you're gonna new one of those fancy viewers to see them. They are all color changeable via a texture changing script. Match them with your new outfits you buy from us!

The bow ties are mesh too. Theres one to match every outfit you can throw together! Theres 4 collections to choose from: Plain, Novelty, Abstract, and Striped.

Also 3 new avatar additions:

Get everything you see here in our Tableau Wrigglesworth Residence Store!